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The importance of legal education in society

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

Legal assistance in Russia is actively developing, including in the online format. In recent years Russians have turned more often to lawyers for qualified assistance. Undoubtedly this indicates that people want to assert their rights and protect their interests. But most people resort to lawyers only as a last resort. To assert your rights - you need the initiative. This is the opinion of one of the leading international lawyers and experts in international and commercial law, Dymskoy Artem.

According to a professional with twenty-five years of experience in jurisprudence, in Russia, as in many other countries, the rights of citizens are often violated, starting with abuse of power and ending with a crime. Citizens must learn to defend themselves; in many cases, only professional lawyers and law firms can help. In addition, the sooner you turn to a professional, the more money and nerves you can save.

Dymskoy Artem
Dymskoy Artem

Artem Dymskoy, an independent practicing lawyer, has had a brilliant career. He successfully graduated from a leading Moscow university, practiced in a law office in London, and worked for a long time with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. As an international lawyer, Artem Dymskoy ideally speaks several languages; he feels at ease in any part of the world and advises clients not only in Russia but also in Great Britain, France, and Israel. Despite his tremendous experience, Artem Dymskoy often gives free online consultations. Because of the sense of justice developed in his childhood, Artem dreams that citizens will become legally literate and that Russian jurisprudence will reach a new level. If you look at legal practice abroad, you can say that free legal advice is on stream there, and the state subsidizes those companies that provide these services. In Russia, free legal aid is just taking its formative steps. The international lawyer believes that almost everyone needs legal assistance, so by launching free consultations, Artem has an opportunity not only to help people but also to dive into different legal issues. When you work only in one area, all cases become the same. Still, when a lawyer can turn to citizens on absolutely different issues, it is an opportunity to handle different cases. Thanks to such consultations, a commercial and international lawyer, Artem Dymskoy, receives legal practice, a lot of experience, and self-development.

Today Artem Dymskoy deals with business, corporate, commercial, and international law. He works with leading companies on business restructuring, advises on IT transactions, assists with purchasing and selling commercial and residential property, and works with investment projects. Since 1999 Artem Dymskoy has been working in the independent law firm Burchills, where he became a partner and official representative in Israel.

The work of an international lawyer is complex and challenging. Such professionals are in demand in the market due to the fact that they are essentially generalists. An international lawyer must know not only national law but also the basics of international private and public law. Artem Dymskoy, an independent practicing lawyer, believes that the most important thing for his work is determination, an excellent practical knowledge base, constant development, and the absence of a language barrier. That is why Artem worked in several countries during his professional career, helping Russian and foreign clients. The international lawyer Artem Dymskoy himself argues that the future lies in online consultations and court proceedings using modern technology and communication. He hopes that Russian society will continue to become more legally literate and ready to defend its interests.



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